Sunday, September 04, 2016

Changes in FAM? Will The Kops win BPL?

The Football Association of Malaysia has a democratic election process to elect their office bearers.

And decisions taken on policy matters are done in consultation as there is a due process with the Executive Committee deciding on appointments such as national coaches and other key personnel.

Thus anyone wanting to initiate changes in FAM must do so from within.

And it is obvious that the person must be willing to contest the FAM elections, win the position and at the same time garner support from the Congress Members to put into plan the proposed changes.

The appointment of the General Secretary and Treasurer is by the President and the Exco not necessarily be consulted.

Now to win an election at FAM, one needs to secure votes from the affiliates, at present there are 14 states, PDRM, Armed Forces and the principal office bearers, President, 2 Deputies, 4 Vice Presidents who are allowed to vote.

And normally FAM affiliates end up with en bloc voting meaning there are already proffered candidates within the system.

The irony about this voting system is the two delegates representing each affiliate need not buck the trend of their state decision, meaning they could vote however they wish on the day of voting.

This is where it becomes complicated as nominations receive does not reflect clearly the direction the voting will sway.

One thing that must be remembered us that to break the stranglehold some have over certain affiliates or officials is virtually impossible as it is not monetary rewards that some seek bit they have a sense of loyalty towards each other.

No doubt there will be some dissenting voices but when it cones to voting day, the birds of feather will always flock together.

Asking for a total revolution of FAM is akin to asking when Liverpool will win the BPL.

It is possible but it's never going to be as easy as talk.